Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Grilled Jalapeno Steak Sandwich

I love sandwiches... let me correct that, I love good, flavorful sandwiches!  I have dreams of one day, opening a sandwich shop, featuring more upscale sandwiches than, let's say, Subway or Jimmy Johns... But, I digress, back to the topic at hand, sandwiches, especially a Grilled Jalapeno Steak Sandwich.

I'm sure you have had sandwiches somewhat like this one, but it doesn't change the fact that it is delicious.  I start by taking diced up jalapeno, minced garlic, kosher salt, and a squeeze from 1/2 a lime, and I grind this mixture with my mortar and pestle.  in the meantime, I take the flank steak, salt and pepper it, then rub it down with the garlic-jalapeno mixture.  I let this goodness sit for at least 30 minutes to semi marinate (and develop some more flavor).  When i feel the steak is good and ready, I fire up the grill, get it nice and hot, and then slap the steak on the grill.

While my steak is getting grilled, I whip up some quick guacamole... I am under the impression that everyone has their favorite guacamole recipe, and specific dos and don'ts with what you can or can't add to your guacamole.  I say, knock that noise, because there are very few rules in cooking, and if it sounds and taste good, go for it.  Anyway, I start by mushing up my avocado, then add diced jalapeno, finely diced white, yellow, or red onion (all depends on what I have in my fridge), then add minced garlic, a squeeze of lime, some kosher salt, and black pepper... done!

By this time, my steak should be about a good medium rare or medium, but cook it how you like it.  Then I let the steak rest, and tighten up and retain all those delicious juices.  When its ready, I slice it, and layer it on my bread (for this sandwich I used a cut down baguette).  Before that, I spread mayo on the bottom and the guacamole on the top piece.  Then goes on the steak, then some queso fresco (any crumbly Mexican cheese works).  If I had some red onion, I probably would have grilled them and added them to the sandwich.

Grilled jalapeno steak sandwich with garlic fries and guacamole

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