Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Flank Steak with Chimichurri and Grilled Corn

This past weekend, I decided to take a "vacation" and visit my brother and his family.  Usually, when I get together with my brother, a few things tend to happen... 1. We watch a lot of Seinfeld and the Simpsons,  2.  We drink a fair amount of soda (or any caffeinated beverage we can find), and 3.  We usually cook something pretty good.

With the weather being nice, and it almost feeling like summer, we decided we wanted to grill some steak... and some corn.  But what to serve with it, how to prepare it, sauce, no sauce, rub, no rub, smoked, straight grilled... the options are endless (almost).  My brother had stumbled across a recipe for a Chimichurri topped steak in Martha Stewart Living Magazine.  I'm not generally one for following recipes, but it sounded good, so we decided to try it.

the recipe for Chimichurri: (from Martha Stewart Living as I remember it)
1/3 cup packed chopped Parsley
1/3 cup packed chopped Cilantro
1/4 teaspoon minced garlic
3 Tablespoons Red Wine Vinegar
1/2 cup Olive Oil

blend everything together, drizzle over steak and corn once they've been grilled.

We grilled the corn first, and once there were good grill marks on it, we popped in a 250 degree oven to rest and stay warm while we grilled the steak.  All we did for the steak was salt and pepper it, slap it on the grill, once it was about medium rare to medium, I pulled it off, let it sit, sliced it, and then drizzled the sauce over it.  I also drizzled the sauce on the corn as well... Hopefully the picture speaks for itself... It was pretty dang good.

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